The Role of Acupuncture in Treating Cardiovascular Disease
Did you know that cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of death worldwide? According to the American Heart Association, heart disease has been the leading cause of death in the U.S. for 100 years. In 2021, heart disease, along with stroke - the fifth...
The Role of Acupuncture in Treating Chronic Digestive Problems
If you suffer from digestive problems, you are not alone. According to the American Gastroenterological Association, “60-70 million Americans are suffering from gastrointestinal (GI) diseases,” and “nearly 40% of Americans have stopped routine activities in the last...
Is Acupuncture Real or a Placebo?
In our modern world, where information overload is common, it's natural to question everything, including the efficacy of traditional practices like acupuncture. Many people wonder if the effects of acupuncture are real or merely placebo. Over the past decade,...
My Favorite Remedies for Seasonal Allergies
Seasonal allergies are no joke. When I get them, I feel sick. Not only do I get nasal symptoms, but I also get headaches, which can ruin my day. Over the years, I've learned that prevention is key. A good diet year-round, especially before spring, can make a huge...
Having Seasonal Allergies? Acupuncture Offers Proven Relief
Acupuncture is now used not only in China but all over the world for many conditions, including seasonal allergies. It is even included as a therapy option in the United States Clinical Guideline for ENT diseases, stating that acupuncture can be offered to “patients...
Top 5 Acupressure Points for Constipation Relief
Have you ever felt the discomfort of constipation and wished for a natural remedy? Constipation can be incredibly draining. The discomfort of feeling bloated, heavy, and the accompanying nausea or loss of appetite is no joke. While general recommendations like...
Did you know 50 million Americans, which make just over 20% of the adult population, have chronic pain? Chronic pain can restrict mobility and daily activities, cause dependence on opioids (and we all know about the opioid epidemic that is all over the news), it has...
10 Foods to Fight Pain and Inflammation.
Photo by Zahrin Lukman Have you ever heard the quote: “Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food”? This quote is attributed to Hippocrates, the famous Greek physician known as the father of medicine. This quote reflects the importance of nutrition to...
10 Foods to Avoid if you have Chronic Inflammation
Inflammation is an essential part of healing. When we have an injury or an infection, our body reacts to it with a cascade of events that have the intention to fight it. We usually see and feel in the site of an injury, redness, soreness, swelling, and heat, that is...